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Having trouble be, the best version of you?
Do you feel that certain things in life are too far out of your reach? Are you feeling unhappy and feel you have to settle with less than all that life has to offer? Is your lack of self-esteem and confidence keeping you from your true potential? Do you feel that you are not able to connect with others and that you are simply different?
Is something blocking your way to happiness; and taking the next step in life feels like a hard or even impossible achievement?
Do you recognise having limiting beliefs and is that little voice in your head doing more harm than good, then it’s really time you get your power back.
I’ve been there myself, and I’ve come through it stronger, happier and smarter than I could have ever imagined. Take a leap of faith in the right direction and let me empower you to break free from the chains of your limiting beliefs and reframe your mind so you finally access the happiness and fulfilment that you deserve.

Our mind is a lot more powerful than we give it credit for and its sole purpose is to give us what it thinks we want. Using the award-winning therapy method called Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) also known as the Marisa Peer method, I can help you break free of your limiting beliefs and find the answers you need within you to reach higher potentials and the happiness and freedom you deserve. Using the amazing process and tools of RTT through Hypnotherapy, I can help you achieve amazing results faster than other conventional therapies.
Work with Me
Initial Consultation

A free consultation call, no strings attached.
Contact Details
Email: angie@zilverbirdtherapy.com
Phone: 31 (0) 6 43 60 04 71
Address : Lunettenhof 28, 9723 KA Groningen
The Netherlands